Monday, March 1, 2010


I used to work at an adolescent mental health treatment center. I worked in an area designated the CSU...crisis stabilization unit. (I think) This was an area where individuals would go when they broke too many rules, became a danger to themselves or others, or annoyed their unit staff enough that they'd have to leave the "clinical milieu" for some quiet time. Depending on the reason for the person coming to CSU, there would be a plan assigned for each client that would allow them a path back to their regular unit. Often these involved writing assignments. I had to look at many writing assignments. Often some of these teens would be in such a bad mood they would refuse to do the work, or do it in some snarky sarcastic way. I had the distinct privilege of reading and correcting these assignments. When someone didn't do it sincerely or put any thought into it, the rule was to draw a line through the whole thing and write REDO and then give it back. Seems rather stupid now that I'm more educated in this field, but at the time, that was one part of my job.

Lately this has come to my mind quite a bit. There are things that I do that sometimes I mentally grade myself, slash it out and wish I could REDO. Unfortunately there is often no way to redo. Then there are other things that I wish I could REFRESH. Refresh is different than redo. Let me give you some examples:

REDO: conversations with clients, conversations with friends, conversations on dates, (apparently talking is a problem for me), eating rituals during the day, rolling through stop signs in front of cops, snoozing my alarm 5 times too many, sending that text message or midnight email, Sundays.

REFRESH: my closet, the air in my apartment (this weekend anyway), career, budget (start from the beginning), dating options.

I'd love to redo a few things and I'd like a few things refreshed-almost reloaded-with new options and possibilities. So I guess the questions is how to refresh or redo some of these things when I have to live with the way they are now. But wouldn't a giant refresh button be awesome?!! That reminds me of those Staples commercials with the easy button.

But to answer my own question, I think there are always ways we renew our options whether it be in dating or job possibilities or finances. I just often make excuses and get lazy so things stay the same. It takes work, creativity and an adventure to refresh some things. As far as the redo--I guess I could just say really loudly, "REDO" and start over again.


Likely said...

good points linda loo. I like the idea of there being a difference. I feed like a redo after every comment I make in church. I get so self conscious. I speak my mind too much :)

Looooove you. I am going to bed ....

Inger said...

What good ideas! I feel like every Sunday is a new, fresh start. We all make tons of mistakes and there certainly are things that could and should have been handled or said differently...but as long as we get a new day we can use what we've learned, and STILL every Sunday is a new start for me. Yes, it truly takes work and huge efforts to change things. I think I mentally push the refresh/redo button every Sunday.

The Thomas Family said...

There you are! Yes, wouldn't a button like that be awesome!! I'm sure we all feel that way... A new day, even, is a fresh start! I feel like I refresh my diet every morning...

Cara said...

Love this post! I would like to REDO so much! And, love the Staples easy button connection. Oh - if I could just have one of those for when I got out of college until now. Not saying I regret everything I've done and accomplished but I def would have made some different choices along the way and would love to REDO it!!! Love your thinking!!!

RR said...

You still alive?