Monday, December 3, 2007

Leaf Removal 2007

Welcome to my back yard in Maryland. It's beautiful, and the colors are always amazing. The problem is that all the leaves fall down. Leaf Removal goes in several stages. Grandpa rallies the troops and then all the magic happens.
This was Max's first opportunity to "help" with leaf removal. Really it was his first introduction to just how great it is to rake all the leaves in huge piles and then jump in them. (a must experience for any child)
Amanda, Max and I were raring to go when grandpa made the call that it was time to brave the cold air.
The Key Players:
Grandpa "I'll show you how it's done" Rueckert
This here's a leaf blower.
The wee Family: Dave, Tiffany, Shmeese and Schwab
JCrew photo shoot #437.
Max "you don't need to show me twice" Rueckert
The leaf roller.

Linda "Wannabe a Chimney Sweep" Rueckert

Amanda "are we done yet" Rueckert

making it all happen.

Dave: "Look Max, These are leaves. We're going to put them in a pile and then you get to mess it all up!"
Max: "Ga!"

...and you jump in like this....
and then you roll around...
and then we throw more leaves on top of you until you're drowning in them. We continue until the laughing turns to whimpering.

and then you get out and we do it all again.


Allison said...

i love your family! max is so super cute!! i wish i could roll around in the leaves.

Rachel said...

too bad it's winter now.

Likely said...

chim chim cheroo linda loo! You are a hot chimney sweep. I love that hat on you.

Too bad that wind kicked up and made my booty look super ghetto in that pic. Not that it's not already super ghetto. Yeah, it was the wind.

We had such a great time with you. Come back soon!

The Thomas Family said...

Aw, that looks so great. Man, dad really looks like an old man. That sweater...

Great Pictures!!!

Lady Bills said...

i miss your family so much... when can we take another trip???

Likely said...


I called your Dad "Mr.Rogers" that day and he said "WHO????"""

"Won't you be my be my neighbor!!"

Amanda said...

fun fun fun day!

Tiff Rueckert said...

Linda, I was just thinking about you and I really miss having you around! I hope we can see you soon!