Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Sunday Musing:

If I lived on the top of a mountain someplace and people sought me for guidance, wisdom or the secret of happiness, I think I'd just say



Lauren said...

i'd sit at the bottom of the mountain and listen whole heartedly to you wise wise wise lovely.
my piece of guidance/wisdon/secret of happiness: look outward not inward (well i guess it is actually good to look inward every now and then for a good little self reflection, but in this case i mean- look outward to others rather than consuming yourself with yourself... haha)

The Thomas Family said...

So, so true.

Likely said...

Thank you oh wise one. I do seriously think a lot of self-esteem problems and unhappiness is rooted in this.

Lady Bills said...

wow- you are so much better than me-- your posts are funnier, you are blonde for real...

oh wait-- THIS is what you are talking about isn't it???!!!!