Monday, November 12, 2007

I want to be a race car driver

Lately I have been driving a lot. More than I'd like. I spend a lot of time on the freeway sitting in traffic to and from work. It pretty much sucks. a lot. I have also noticed that with all this driving frustration I feel a great desire to BUST OUT!!! By that I mean many different things. Sometimes bust out screaming at the car in front of me, other times bust out dancing to the fabulous new Top 40 cd a friend passed on to me (since I don't have any music like that), bust out singing--which I do often--loudly. When there is movement on the road, I want to bust out swerving around those people who feel the need to drive 55 mph on a goes on.

I have also noticed that when I'm on a road and there isn't a lot of traffic I want to drive as fast as I can. I don't really think about it, I just do. I like to see how fast I can pass the car next to me. As I do so, I wonder why they aren't driving faster. I mean, we are all on the road because we want to get somewhere, right? We could all get there a little faster if we helped each other out. I love finding breaks in the heavy traffic driving home from work. Why do people feel the need to change lanes when they aren't passing a car? I find that I can actually drive faster in the far right lane then in the far left during high traffic times. I also pride myself on being very aware of my surroundings as I push 70 or 75 (here's to hoping) when cars around me are going like 60. I can time it pretty well and maneuver around them. It's like I'm a race car driver in a video game or something. What I need now is a nicer car.

I've also stopped obeying certain traffic rules. For example: lights that change when they don't need to--I've started to ignore them. If there is a pedestrian, by all means, I will stop and let them go. But if they aren't there, why should I stop for a blinking walk man on a street sign? I've also stopped slowing down for yellow and red lights. If the car in front of me goes, I don't care what color the light is, I'm going too. All those signs about not turning on red? Doesn't apply to me. I was taught to look both ways before crossing a street when I was in kindergarten. I have only perfected that since then and find it a useful tool when driving.

There are other things I laugh out loud about when driving. Like how I drive with my knees, text in my left hand as I switch songs or playlists around on my ipod in my right hand. This is pretty ridiculous. I feel the need to say here that I am not an idiot. I am actually a very safe driver. Lately I just want to push limits. This is such a lame way to do it, but it's better then some other things I could do. (and other things I'm not going to blog about)

As I write this I realize that I have some level of defiance surfacing (in a few different areas, not just driving). I sit in group therapy all day long and am pretty good at analyzing my own crap. I'm having a hard time being done in school, having a job, and realizing that this is my life. I think at times I feel that it's all wrong. I miss my previous life of rock climbing, long boarding, running in the mountains, swimming almost daily, spending time with friends that I love, and being close to my family. That was right. So until I figure out how to manage/balance/change what's happening now I have to BUST OUT!! I like some calculated risks, adventures, something exciting. Driving is just one feeble way I'm striving for SOMETHING. and that's pretty lame.


Likely said...

hmmmm.... wonder who you inherited all of that from????

if you start cursing in german to the slow cars or start calling them all democrats then you know you are in trouble.

be safe linda loo. maybe you can start wearing a race car driving helmet and flame retardant suit.

Allison said...

well, i don't think i want to ride in a car with you any time soon. i bet there is a great underground street racing club in your area you can join.

Natalie said...

Linda...I have to say I totally get this. I'm the same way, sometimes there really is just a need, a need for speed. And racing around, seeing who you can beat, where you can quickly manuever, etc. just really fills a void. And the more that is going on the better, the more you're right on with the words of the song, the more satisfying it is. I like to think I inherited all this from my race car driving father but, sadly I think it is some kind of sick self-medicating, like some kind of drug. Anyways, I just had to let you know I understand.

RR said...

How are things. I read your I know my bellie is huge. I can't wait to finally get this kid out of me. So work is going well. Tell me more about your job. Nothing new here in the northwest just working doing the xray tech thing. Talk to you again soon. I need to have voice on voice contact but I go to bed by 8:00pm my time and I know that when you're just hitting the clubs in bean town!! miss you. Rachel

The Thomas Family said...

Linder... I'm concerned!! :) For both of us because I am the same. I seriously get TICKED when people change lanes for NO good reason and then I am stuck! AHH! When I can get by them I go fast and stare at them on the way. It's dumb.
I think Tiffany is right! (Although I don't think that means they will vote for Hillary).

Well, if you are going to lash out and be a rebel, do it this way!! Relax though... Remember last time you felt the need for speed and broke your foot??

Anonymous said...

I have seen you in action Linda and it cracked me rock!:)
I want to tell the boss in tow story because its funny but will leave it be for now.

miss lena's pie said...

how can everyone be so calm about this??! DOOOON'T DIIIEEEE!!!