Thursday, June 26, 2008

a good reminder

On a recent visit home, my sister-in-law shared a blog with me (I used to have the blog linked but then I noticed today that she's had a bunch of angry hate comments from "anonymous" people and I don't want to feel responsible for the ignorant irate). I love satire. I love when someone is able to express a thought or idea so well through writing that it makes me excited. I love how this person has created a blog that perfectly mocks one ridiculous aspect of our culture. The best thing about satire and things like this is that it makes people think. Well, it makes me think. I hope it would make more than just me think.

Upon reading this blog my immediate reaction is that it's so witty and humorous. My reaction about 30 seconds after my immediate reaction is, "oh my gosh, I hope I'm not like that." About 2 minutes after that I recognize that there are a few who are really like that, and that this is a dramatic compilation of anything and everything that's annoying about Mormon culture blogs. Then I had to do an honest assessment and find my score on the Scale of Stupidness (as I like to call it). I wish there were a mathematical equation to find out an actual score, but I don't know how to do that really. I just like to make stuff up.

But what's good about this is that there are a few things that have been annoying me about my blog for the last several months but I haven't done anything about it.

1. I hate writing about blogging.
2. I know I've gotten into a terrible habit of excessive use of exclamation points. It really drives me crazy. I'm also guilty of adding emphasis in cheap ways. By cheap I mean that it's really a whorish way of writing. Good writing doesn't need all capital letters, millions of exclamation points, or fluffy filler words. Good writing is concise and powerful because of how it is written.
3. I was an English major for my undergrad studies and I love writing. It takes me a while to say what I want to say, I stew over word choice and punctuation, and I like writing about things that are worth writing about. I miss having things that I find worth writing about. Also, I wish I could spell, knew better grammar, and could write with that kind of power I alluded to in number two.

Now I'm excited. I miss being able to write. I'm going to try again.


Likely said...

I am way excited to read your good writing. You are seriously, so good at writing. :) You are way awesome.

michelle said...

Can you at least give me the link to the blog? :)

The Thomas Family said...

Exclamation points!!????? I'll show you exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!

RR said...

I need that link that your sis-in-law gave you.

Linda said...

ok, it's

check it out.

miss lena's pie said...

Wow..heh...well, I know what you mean... I just can't help it with the exclamations pints sometimes, because if I'd be saying what I was writing, I know I'd look like an exclamation point you know...!