Thursday, April 12, 2007

Two Important Thursday Discoveries...and one mystery

Not a beautiful day in Boston.

Classes were boring, which leads me to discovery #1.

* Remember being little and going to the beach? I was sitting in class today trying desperately not to jump out the window. At one point I cupped my hand around my ear. And you know what? It makes that ocean sound!! That same ocean sound you hear when you put one of those sea shells up to your ear. I swear!! I was so excited to discover this today in class. It occupied me for about 5 minutes.

Rain, Rain, I thought hail (very very small), and more Rain...leads me to discovery #2

* driving home from BC today the rain was coming down heavily. I discovered that I should have listened to the not-so-little auto man who told me to replace my windshield wipers. Of course the blade on the passenger side is perfect. That doesn't help the driver though. The only clear portion was the very bottom of the windshield, the same spot you hunch and look through as your waiting for your car to de-ice in the middle of winter. In fact, the blade was flapping like a really long skinny worm across my window. It was quite distracting. I have so many things I could say about windshield wipers but I'll save it for another day. (there is a coolness scale when it comes to utilizing the wipers, but seeing as my wipers are useless I'm no where near the coolness scale. I'll save this for another rainy day)

Music on a dreary day? Mystery.....

* So today I was listening to a lot of Radiohead. It's been a while and it just brought me back. It's such good stuff. At one point the old but ridiculously popular song Creep came on (not a bad song, but not their best). As I listened to this song I remembered how I used to listen to this song a whole lot in 8th grade. IN FACT, I had the single. A tape. But you know what else? The other side (the B side) had a great song on it. I don't have that song!! I want that song!! I listened to that one even more.


Thom was singing something about a pair of jeans he had and now their ripped and torn...




Jeje said...

I had that same single! And I too loved the song on side B better. Now I'm going to be thinking about the name of it all day long.

I'm working on it . . .

Lauren Andersen said...

dang. i was going to replace your windshield wipers as a surprise when you had so graciously let me borrow/watch your car. i guess i am like the levite or the priest in the parable of the good samaritan- haha! jk! but that is a nice hint for this upcoming sunday school class.

Lauren Andersen said...

oh my goodness. i can't believe i referenced gospel doctrine in my comment. hmmm, an indication of my insanity? indeed.