Friday, June 8, 2007

One of the best songs EVER!!!

In my humble opinion. I remember jumping on my trampoline as a kid listening to this song! It still makes me smile and dance around. I'd never really watched this video, but do NOT miss the guys head twitch/bob thing at the bell chime. Classic dance move!

Lately I've been on a quest to find these old songs that I've forgotten. I'm wondering what other songs I should be looking for...suggestions?


The Thomas Family said...

Hmmm... I don't remember that one. Fabulous video. Maybe I was too young. I just remember us waking up and pressing play on our tape recorder to hear WINDS OF CHANGE by The Scorpions (that we taped from off the radio). We listened to it while getting ready to go to school. I love that song to this day. Maybe that is why I whistle like I do... who knows. But I do know that I bought their Best Hits CD while I was in China for $1.00.
A Wild Wild West song also comes to mind when I think of the long lost mix tape that we made.

m spot said...

c&c music factory. classic.

Lauren Andersen said...

we were just doing a little beach boys- kokomo rendition the other night. love that one! kilargo, montego, baby why don't we go....

Rachel said...

Oh how I love this song!!! Oingo Boingo...also a classic, Dead Man's Party baby.

Allison said...

I had forgotten all about this song. It is great. I also really like the song in the movie Music & Lyrics or whatever it's called. I decided to get a blog, I guess.

Cheesecake said...

"Its gettin its gettin its kinda hectic. Its gettin its gettin its gettin kinda hectic. . . hhheeeaaayy yaaaay yaaay