Sunday, June 3, 2007

Stuff To Add Part II

I am not necessarily a fan of posting tons of pictures here, but I am just excited about some of the cool stuff I've been able to do since graduating from school...

Red Sox game, curtosy of M.E. and her well-to-do-boss who gave us his fantastic seats and VIP parking...WOOHOO!!Our seats were behind home plate, padded and we even had waiters...I've never experienced baseball like this!!
I also got to see Pete Sampris and John McEnroe play at BU. Yes, John threw a fit and it was awesome!!

Canoeing down Concord river...Beautiful place!!

Shot rang out around the world...kindof a nice place!!


The Thomas Family said...

Yeah, so cool! Have I mentioned lately that I love your legs??!!

Linda said...

stop! I'm blushing!