I have a crazy schedule on Thursdays. It's my last semester of school, I have two classes and one is at 10:30 the other 4:30. I have so much time! I thought it was a good idea-think of all the studying and stuff I could get done in between classes! NO! I have become queen of doing nothing. (not entirely true, I've already met with a professor about my policy paper, finished a group outline-no help from the group, called to follow up with a job possibility, networked-aka talked to people around this place). I still have 1 1/2 hours til my next class...SO...
You get my latest thoughts and musings on funny situations and life in general! where to begin...
* yesterday I was putting gas in my car. In the past I have been able to just set the handle trigger thing so that I can avoid the elements and sit comfortably in my car. NOT in Mass. I guess they feel like something bad might happen and so they make you stand there in the freezing cold, wondering why the tank won't fill faster. So I'm standing there FREEZING, watching the numbers, wondering why the state hates me and won't let me sit in my car, and FINALLY the handle pops (or whatever people call it). Usually I'd carefully put the thing back, but seeing as i was freezing, I pulled the nozzle (that's what it's called!) and put it back as fast as I could. In the process gas leaked onto the gas cap and when I put the cap back I put my gloved hand into the little puddle of gasoline. This may not sound like a big deal, but it was actually traumatic for me. When I was a kid my brother Dave sprayed my feet with gas (still not able to recall if it was on purpose or what-who cares, not the point) The point is, I was really little and I had seen movies where things blew up and it was because of gas. I spent the rest of the day wondering if I was going to blow up. The smell of gasoline on my glove yesterday triggered these old feelings. It's like terror, am I going to die? is this how my life ends? I sure hope Dave gets in trouble.
(side note-It's Dave's Birthday!! Happy Birthday Dave! and I think I do remember you feeling bad about spraying me with gas and trying to help me feel better. I think you said something about staying away from heaters and anything that sparks.)
* The evolution of dance. I'm going home next weekend and I'm so excited about it. My sister-in-law Tiffany told me the other day that Saturday night is their ward talent show. She wants me and my friend Peggy (who is coming with me) to assist her in a special performance about the evolution of dance. I'm really excited to do this. I've been spending some time trying to figure out how to set up the link so you all can see this on youtube. I don't know If I'm technologically stupid or what, but I haven't figured it out yet. As soon as I do, you'll be able to see just how fun this is going to be. I think we're going to throw in some Supreme's, Spice Girls, and other faves to make it our own. Screw it, check here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg
* [story removed at mothers request]
* Way back when I decided that when I was 27 I would participate in a triathlon. I don't know why I said 27. Anyway, I turned 27 last July. This goal came due and I was about to toss it aside as yet another goal that wasn't really a goal, just a thought, when my friend Jenni told me about an open water swim on the cape. I was so nervous but I did it!! I came in third too (non-competitive heat, I had no times to submit). But I was pretty pleased with how well it went that this spring I'm going to follow through on my goal. Because it IS a goal. I'm not going to let this one slide. So I've been spending some time looking up possible triathlons. I'm looking into three right now. I may just do three! The Webster Lake Tri, the Danskin Women's Tri, and the Witch City Tri which includes an ocean swim. I'm so excited about this and am looking for people who will do it with me. any one? any one? please?
* I was asked to help the stake YW with basketball and volleyball this month. I said I would. I don't know anything about setting something like this up for basket ball.
* I'm going to a ballet tomorrow night! I'm really excited about it. It's been a while since I've gone to do something cultural. mental note-start doing this more.
* hmm, what else. I've been trying to think about what I do that's nerdy and/or goofy and I can't think of anything. This is actually really frustrating because I know I have MANY things I do that are incredibly nerdy! It's what makes me! I think that my creativity and imagination has been compromised. Drastic measures need to be taken to restore and refresh my outlook!! I think it's just the mixture of school, internship, YW basketball, firesides, visiting teaching, swimming, running, and way too many social things!! It's time to stop. I'm done with that! I have goals!!
If you have continued reading to this point, I must say you are quite the friend! Thanks. I think I've killed time sufficiently enough.
Yay! I'm quite the friend!
i read it. just wanted you to know. i hope i get to see you next weekend.
I read every work Linda.
Sorry about the gas on your hand, I didn't know about Dave spraying you... where was I??
Um- I WISH I had the time and discipline to train to do a triathalon with you.
And kudos for going to the ballet. You're wonderful.
I have to say i'm quite a fan of yours Linda! It's been a long time since i've seen you but I found your blog through Tiffany's-i've been trying to convince tiff & chris they need a blog but, tiff's not budging. I hope to see you in april-sounds like you're having fun!
and by the way... I loved your ode to family-it was so fun to read what you love about each of your siblings.
SOOOOO...about the gas thing, I know its the WORST that you have to stand outside to fill up your tank and they dont have the little tab thingy. Butttt here are some tips:
1. on mass ave, between harvard and porter square there is a super cheap place that is FULL serve only. it saves me
2. on fresh pond parkway, there is a mobil there that actually has the tabs
natalie! so great to find you here!
Whit=great tips! I knew the truth was out ther!
What did mom have you delete?
Did it have to do with 5 children ages 3-8 being dropped off in downtown Stockholm and asked to walk 10 blocks and find a house where a relative lived that we had never met before so that our parents could make the 3:15 temple session???
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