Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Check this out

I'd never seen this before and am so glad my friend shared it with me. I actually usually don't like stuff like this but I thought this was so funny and well done! and it reminds me a bit of some people I used to know.

we got a couple of squares here!!

(check out bad-boy Todd's belt buckle)


Mooney said...

I have a belt buckle like that.
AND I go to ragers!

The Thomas Family said...

Interesting... The best part was Todd's guitar solo.

Rachel said...

Please bless that my next boyfriend picks me up in a rocker van like that!

Linda said...

mooney--you should invest in the van!!

Charlotte said...

oh my gosh! I love this video! It's Chaz!!! I just saw him in LA two weeks ago. This was one of the videos for the Oscar church activity. My brother did one too. I guess this one won the oscar.