Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Confession 2/19

I once left a note on a guys car. I really liked him. That's about as bold as I've ever been (I was 22). I need to be a little more brave.


Natalie said...

I did that ONCE too and I still feel flushed remembering it, I never did it again. You are bold, but you don't have to be bold in that way!

The Thomas Family said...

I did it once as well and there's nothing wrong with it! I'm still proud of you for that.

Allison said...

i have done it also. i did it at night so he wouldn't see it till the morning and woke numerous times during that night wanting to take it back.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was you???? Wish I would have known.

Whits said...

I was looking at old emails the other day and I couldn't believe how bold I used to be (with guys). I think it was more carefree and confident than I am now. I agree with the "i need to be a little more brave".

Lauren said...

yes! let this be our mantra!!