Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lent Confession 2/13

sometimes I'll buy a huge bag of trailmix at costco. usually, after about a week or so, I'll end up picking out all the m&m's and raisins. this part makes me happy. then I'm left with a huge boring bag of nuts. what am I supposed to do with that?


Lindsey from The R House said...

feed the birds?

The Thomas Family said...

The nut lovers out there will be shocked.
In a trail mix, you gotta mix it up. You can't pick out things and then leave the "mix" to just two things.

Likely said...

When the good stuff is gone do you say, "awww nuts... all the good stuff is gone." ?

because that would be funny :)

Anonymous said...

(Linda, your Lent confessions are giving my life purpose this month.) :-) I always eat all the raisins first, because I hate unexpectedly biting down on a squishy squishy raisin when I'm eating a handful of satisfyingly crunchy nuts and M&Ms. Maybe we could work out a symbiotic arrangement of some sort...